Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Phishing, vishing, and SMShing

While we at MAPL usually use this blog to post about upcoming library programs or featured library resources, today I'm going to do something a little different.  I'm going recommend a post from another blog. As a public librarian, I'm in the business of providing all sorts of information, and that's what I'd like to do now.

Get Rich Slowly is a personal finance blog that's been around for several years. In mid-February one of their contributors wrote a post titled "Phishing, vishing, and SMShing," and as I read the post I found myself thinking everyone should be aware of phishing scams and how to avoid becoming a victim. What is a phishing scam, you ask? According to the blog post, a phishing scam is a scheme that "encompasses fraudulently obtaining and using an individual's personal or financial information."

It seems we are hearing more and more about phishing schemes, and since the methods used to trick us are becoming more sophisticated, we need how to recognize the schemes so we don't fall victim to them. If you are interested in reading the entire blog post about phishing, you can find it here at Get Rich Slowly's website.