Monday, November 10, 2014

Review: One Stop Shopping for Free Magazines provided by Zinio

I love to knit and even run a high school knitting club, so I am always looking for what’s new in the knitting world.   There are free patterns galore on the internet but I also like to read stories from other knitter’s about their experiences with the craft, and learn about new products coming out, and collect tips of the trade.  In addition to reading books about knitting, I also enjoy reading magazines about knitting.  I enjoy all the bright spreads of people wearing finished projects and even like to peruse the advertisements for different merchandise.  Of course, like everyone, time is always a problem with work and family so I thought I would check out our Matawan-Aberdeen Public Library (MAPL) webpage and click on electronic resources.  There is was, Zinio, offering interactive digital magazines and you guessed it!  It is FREE!  All you need is your trusty library card.

Zinio is the world’s largest newsstand and you don’t even get rained on while making your selections.  It offers full color, digital magazines for your enjoyment.  Browse from the library’s collection of popular titles with no holds, no checkout periods, and no limit to the number of magazines you can download.   Just click on “Electronic Resources” on our Matawan-Aberdeen Public Library Homepage and select “Magazines and Journals.”  You will see Zinio listed and then just click on the Instructions for creating an account and using zinio.  Search magazines by topics, genres (cooking, gardening, etc.)  or by title.  You can even select the magazines in English or Spanish.   You can “shop” at home in your pajamas for the magazines of your choice for free!  What a great deal!  

This post was written by Cecelia R.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Review: 48 hours in Las Vegas and eLibraryNJ

If you’re on the road and need to bring a travel book with you, visit eLibraryNJ to download and/or view ebooks on your tablets, phones, and/or computers.  Recently I downloaded and viewed an ebook in my internet browser called 48 Hours in Las Vegas, which was short, informative and contained pictures, maps and sample itineraries.

 eLibraryNJ is one of the many database services that is available with your library card. Either simply search our online catalog or eLibraryNJ’s catalog to see if an eBook version exists.  Then you can either download/view the selection right away, or place a hold and receive a notification when it’s available to download.  You can also choose a checkout period of 7, 14, or 21 days.  After the checkout period is complete, the downloaded material simply disappears from your device.  Nothing to return, and best of all, no fines!

All you need to use this FREE service is you library card, an Adobe ID, and or Adobe Digital Editions (if you want to download a book to your device via your computer).  During the week there are Computer Technical Assistants at the library who can assist you if you need help. 

This post was written by Dennis K.