Monday, March 26, 2012

Small Business Resource Center

Do you dream about starting your own small business?  If so, did you know the NJ State library has recently purchased a new resource just for you?  Small Business Resource Center was purchased for New Jersey libraries as part of a new statewide campaign called NJ Grows Biz, an initiative to help small businesses get started and succeed.

This powerful online business and marketing tool can be accessed through the Matawan Aberdeen Public Library or from your home 24/7 - all you need is a library card.  The database is a wealth of information that can help you get started with any type of business, whether you want to start a coffee house or open your own daycare facility.  A basic search of your business topic you’ll get full-text information from Business Plans Handbook, including competition, market analysis, financial plans, and much more. Your searching will also yield full-text, up-to-date articles from top industry magazines, and even professional organization and associations you might be interested in joining.

There is a “How To …” section that includes information on How to Start a Small Business, How to Write a Business Plan, and How to Market or Advertise Your Business, just to name a few.  Not sure what type of business you would like to start?  The list of business types will provide plenty of ideas.

Click here to get started or stop by the library and we'll be happy to show you how to use the database!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Freading - a new ebook service!

How many of you have become a little frustrated because of the long wait for ebooks in eLibraryNJ?  It's okay, you can admit it.

The Matawan Aberdeen Public Library is now offering our patrons a new service called Freading.  Freading allows you to download ebooks without having to be put on a wait list!  Because Freading allows simultaneous check outs of the same ebook, you will never have to wait for someone to return the book first. 

What are some of the other benefits of Freading?
  • There are over 20,000 titles to choose from in many different genres. 
  • It's compatible with with many devices such as the Kindle Fire, the Nook devices, Kobo, iPad, and many more.
  • Freading works on Adobe Digital Editions, just like eLibraryNJ, so there is no need to download additional software.
How does Freading work?

You can access the site by clicking the Freading icon located on the homepage of our website, or you can just click here. Once you login with your library card you'll be able to use your tokens to download books.  Tokens?  Each ebook is worth 1, 2 or 4 tokens, assigned by the publisher and clearly displayed on the book cover. You'll receive 4 tokens per week to use to checkout books so you can checkout 1 ebook worth 4 tokens or 2 ebooks worth 2 tokens each, etc. Any unused tokens roll over to the next week, but all tokens expire at the end of every month.  The checkout period is 2 weeks and you are able to renew the ebook one time.

Give Freading a try and let us know what you think!