The new year will be here before we know it and this means resolutions. How many of you resolve to get your finances in order year after year? Are you planning to do this in 2012? Well, we are here to help you. This winter we will be working with the Society for Financial Awareness (SOFA) to bring you financial education seminars on a variety of topics. SOFA is a non-profit corporation that works with companies, family businesses, and community groups to offer free educational programs to the public. Check out their website for more information about SOFA.
Since there are so many possible seminar topics, we are asking you to choose which ones you would like the experts to present. You can choose from topics such as Getting "Fiscally Fit", College Planning, Understanding 401k Rollovers, Legal Lessons for Life, and several others. The library is currently conducting a survey to help decide on the topics for our upcoming seminars. Click here to take the survey and be entered to win a 2.0 GB Flashdrive/MP3 player combo. The deadline to take the survey is December 22nd. Look for the upcoming seminar announcements in late January!