The new year will be here before we know it and this means resolutions. How many of you resolve to get your finances in order year after year? Are you planning to do this in 2012? Well, we are here to help you. This winter we will be working with the Society for Financial Awareness (SOFA) to bring you financial education seminars on a variety of topics. SOFA is a non-profit corporation that works with companies, family businesses, and community groups to offer free educational programs to the public. Check out their website for more information about SOFA.
Since there are so many possible seminar topics, we are asking you to choose which ones you would like the experts to present. You can choose from topics such as Getting "Fiscally Fit", College Planning, Understanding 401k Rollovers, Legal Lessons for Life, and several others. The library is currently conducting a survey to help decide on the topics for our upcoming seminars. Click here to take the survey and be entered to win a 2.0 GB Flashdrive/MP3 player combo. The deadline to take the survey is December 22nd. Look for the upcoming seminar announcements in late January!
Programs and Information about all the Matawan Aberdeen Public Library has to offer its Adult patrons.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
eReader Hour at MAPL
Questions about eReaders are quickly becoming the most popular inquiry at our library. With the holidays approaching we are pretty sure some of you will be unwrapping a new Kindle, Nook, iPad, or Kobo this winter. Your new eReader will probably come with many questions. How do I borrow free ebooks from the library? How do I turn this thing on? What's the difference between an Adobe EPUB EBook and Kindle Book? Luckily, the library has your answers. You can bring your eReader, or your eReader questions, to the library Monday nights from 7 pm to 8 pm for our eReader Hour. We can show you how to navigate your device, borrow free books from ListenNJ, transfer books from your computer, check your account, and answer any other questions you may have.
If you can't make it into the library at that time, we have many other resources that can help. You can take one of the "cheat sheets" next to the reference desk, or find an online version of them on our website by clicking the "eReader Guide" link on the left side of our home page. You can click here to go there now.
Happy reading and listening!
This post was written by our Computer Assistant, Curtis Clark.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Jersey Shore Authors
“Are you from Jersey? What exit?” Everyone knows the old joke. But as a true New Jerseyan, you know that our state is rich in natural beauty, culture and historical significance. Perhaps that’s why it attracts such a wealth of authors of both fiction and non-fiction. This month, the library is showcasing the Jersey Shore Authors. And, no, I don’t mean Snooki and the Situation. No matter what kind of book you enjoy, there’s an author that’s right for you. The queen of suspense, Mary Higgins Clark, makes her home in Spring Lake and Saddle River. She’s added two new books, I’ll Walk Alone and The Shadow of Your Smile, to her already impressive body of work. And, straight from international headlines, is the heart-wrenching story of Tinton Falls resident David Goldman, and his five-year custody battle to get his son back from Brazil. You can read about it in his book, A Father’s Love: One Man’s Unrelenting Battle to Bring His Abducted Son Home. Please visit MAPL’s display on Jersey Shore Authors, and pick up a brochure that features these titles and more titles by other great local authors.
We are thrilled to have one of these Jersey Shore residents/writers coming to the library to discuss her book, Looking Through A Keyhole: A Memoir, this Saturday, November 12th at 2pm. Come and meet Julia Spencer and her seeing eye-dog, Irene. Anyone struggling with a
life-altering condition will find her story inspiring and motivating. Hear about her fears, her hopes, and her most candid responses to her visual loss and how she prevails over adversities. There will be a Q & A, book signing and her books will be available for purchasefor $16.
To register for this event, please stop by the library or contact Jill at (732) 583-9100 or email
This post was written by Susie Benanti.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Take advantage of Overdrive Advantage!

By now most people are aware that you can checkout and download free ebooks and audiobooks from the library through ListenNJ. (Please see my post from May 31, 2011 if you would like a summary of ListenNJ). Listen NJ is a program we share with many other libraries throughout New Jersey and because the program is shared with so many, there is often a wait period for new releases and other popular titles. To decrease this wait period, the Matawan Aberdeen Public Library is purchasing additional copies of popular ebooks through a program called Overdrive Advantage. These additional copies are available only to the patrons at the Matawan Aberdeen Public Library so your wait time for these titles will be significantly reduced or nonexistant. At the same time, you also have access to all of the books available to everyone in the Libraries of Middlesex Automation Consortium.
To take advantage of the program you'll need to sign into ListenNJ with your library card as soon as you see the above yellow and orange sunburst icon. This icon lets you know which titles are part of the Advantage program, and while we don't own every title that is part of the Advantage program, we are constantly adding new titles just as we are always getting new books into the library. Hopefully you will now notice a decrease in the wait time for that ebook you've been dying to read!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Do you Mango?
Did you know we have a fun, fast and easy language learning program called Mango Languages? The best part is it's free for Matawan Aberdeen Public Library patrons and you can use it with you library card anywhere there is internet access.
Mango is the easiest and most effective way to learn to speak a foreign language. Mango is available in two versions:
Mango Basic:
Perfect for a foreign language beginner, Mango Basic teaches everyday greetings and helpful phrases in a short period of time. The courses, which require only two to five hours of time to complete, are currently available in 34 foreign languages and 15 English as a Second
Language (ESL) courses.
Mango Complete:
Mango Complete offers a 100-lesson course that digs much deeper and is designed to provide a more complete understanding of the entire language and culture. It is available in 31 foreign language and 14 ESL courses. Foreign language courses include Chinese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. ESL courses include Polish, Spanish and Portuguese.
To learn more about Mango and get a short preview of what the program has to offer, you can visit the company's website at Click here to get started on the courses themselves!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Class is in session!

It's back to school time again! Have you thought about enrolling in classes to update your job skills or simply to learn a new hobby? What's holding you back? Money? Class times that don't work for you? The campus is too far away? Well now you can enroll in classes and it won't cost a dime, you don't need to leave your house, and you can attend anytime that is convenient for you ... 24/7!
The library has just begun subscribing to Universal Class. Through Universal Class you can chose from over 500 non-credit on-line courses and take up to 5 of these courses at one time. You'll have real live instructors (many are PhDs) and you'll be able to interact with your classmates. You can choose from professional development classes such as Business Management 101, Quicken Deluxe 2010, or Legal Terminology 101 - just to name a few. You can also take personal enrichment classes such as Digital Scrapbooking, Fashion Design 101, or Introduction to Music Appreciation.
All you need to get started is a Matawan Aberdeen Public Library card and a valid email address. Click here to register for Universal Class and get ready to learn something new!
Friday, August 26, 2011
Financial Rating Series Online

Find the Safest Bank or Credit Union in Your Area
Avoid the Weakest Insurance Companies ... and Find the Best Ones
Pick the Best-Performing Stocks
Find the Best Mutual Funds ... to Make Sure Your Retirement Funds are Safe.
With all the talk about bank failures and the stock market these days, our new database couldn’t come at a better time. The user friendly interface allows you to easily research the financial strength ratings for more than 21,000 banks, credit unions, or insurance companies. Each company is given a grade from A+ through F (they even give out an E, a very weak rating). This information come from Weiss Ratings, a provider of independent ratings on the nation’s life and annuity insurers, property and casualty insurers, and health insurers, including HMOs. You can also find ratings for over 6,000 stocks and 16,000 mutual funds. The stock and mutual information come from TheStreet Ratings, a leading provider of investment ratings and analysis covering thousands of Bond & Money Market Mutual Funds, Stock Mutual Funds, Exchanged-Traded Funds and Common Stocks.
With all the talk about bank failures and the stock market these days, our new database couldn’t come at a better time. The user friendly interface allows you to easily research the financial strength ratings for more than 21,000 banks, credit unions, or insurance companies. Each company is given a grade from A+ through F (they even give out an E, a very weak rating). This information come from Weiss Ratings, a provider of independent ratings on the nation’s life and annuity insurers, property and casualty insurers, and health insurers, including HMOs. You can also find ratings for over 6,000 stocks and 16,000 mutual funds. The stock and mutual information come from TheStreet Ratings, a leading provider of investment ratings and analysis covering thousands of Bond & Money Market Mutual Funds, Stock Mutual Funds, Exchanged-Traded Funds and Common Stocks.
The database provides users with more than just ratings. There are helpful worksheets and other free financial planning tools. You'll also find a comprehensive glossary of banking and investment terms.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Showcasing local talent
Last Wednesday night the library hosted Cheryl Syminink, a young glass artist who demonstrated how to create gorgeous glass beads that could be combined together to make unique pieces of jewelry. Cheryl showed us how she turned jewel toned glass rods into multicolored beads using not much more than a high temperature propane torch. We all sat mesmerized as she painstakingly created a frit bead and then a stringer bead. As she patiently heated the glass to a molten state, she took the time to explain how each tool was used, she answered questions, and even told us a little about herself. Her energy and passion for glass art was so contagious, patrons were discussing their plans to take lessons from Cheryl as they walked out the door.
It turns out Cheryl is a Monmouth County resident. As I watched her manipulate the glass into a bead the size of a cheerio, I started to wonder how many other talented artists reside locally. In September one of our reference librarians (an Aberdeen resident) will be teaching a hands-on class on how to assemble beaded earrings. I love the idea of local residents sharing their talents with other residents. Are you an artist or a hobbist who would like to demonstrate your skills to others? Or do you know someone who might like to share their talent? If so, please call Jill at the library or email me at We would love to learn from you!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Summer Reading week 5
The raffle prize this week doesn't have much to do with our summer reading theme, Novel Destinations, but it has everything to do with summer. Summer is the perfect time to tackle those home projects and repairs so this week we are making that easier by giving away a portable tool kit, a home repair book titled Better Homes and Gardens Big Book of Home How-To, and to help get you started with those repairs we've included a gift card to Home Depot! The drawing for this prize is on Monday, July 25 so keep reading to earn those raffle tickets.
The Novel Destinations Wednesday movie this week is Under the Same Moon, a touching story of a young Mexican boy trying to locate his mother who is working illegally in the United States. The movie is in Spanish with English subtitles. Join us Wednesday, July 20 at 3 PM to watch the film.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Summer Reading - week 4
In the spirit of our summer reading theme, Novel Destinations, the raffle prize this week transports us directly to Italy. Who hasn't dreamed of traveling to Rome or Florence or Naples to dine on Italy's famous pasta? The gift basket this week includes an Italian cookbook, Italian pasta, Vincent's pasta sauce (straight from Little Italy), and a $20 gift card to Livoti's Old World Market in Aberdeen. Everything is bundled together in a colander lined with a pretty white tablecloth. So keep reading to receive those raffle tickets. The more you read, the more tickets you receive, the better your chances of winning! Buon appetito!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Summer Reading week 3
In honor of our first After Hours Music Program this week, the summer reading raffle prize for week 3 is be a ukulele and a beginners ukulele lesson book. I don't know about you, but it seems like I am seeing ukuleles everywhere these days. I've read their popularity can be attributed to several factors. For example, they are very portable, they are relatively easy to learn how to play, and ukuleles are affordable, making them popular during difficult economic times.
Don't forget to join us at the library at 7 PM this Friday to hear Craig and the Frenchman. Read about them here in this Matawan-Aberdeen Patch article titled A Unique New Sound.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Programs galore!
Last week we were very fortunate to have two dynamic speakers present at the library. On Monday, June 27th Dr. Michael Rothman of MD Wellness & Spa lectured about The Power of Nutrition: How the Foods You Are Eating Are Making You Sick. Dr. Rothman spoke to the crowd for over an hour and then fielded questions from the audience as they tried to digest the information about the dangers of processed foods. On Thursday, June 30th, Judith Krall-Russo entertained us with Tea Traditions from Around the World. As she spoke, the audience left New Jersey and traveled the world, learning about all the various accoutrements (see top photo above) used by different cultures in their tea ceremonies. Both presenters are incredibly knowledgeable on their respective topics and we hope to have them back at the library in the near future.
This week on Wednesday, July 6th at 7 PM we will be hosting Dick Handschuch and Sal Marino, co-authors of the book The Beach Bum’s Guide to the Boardwalks of New Jersey. These two gentlemen have strolled all the legendary boardwalks in New Jersey, several times in fact! Check out their story in this Asbury Park Press article from June 27th.
The photo of Dr. Rothman is courtesy of Joesph Lisnow, a freelancer for the new Matawan Aberdeen Patch website
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Summer Reading week 2
Summer Reading is in full swing here at the library. There are already over 500 adults signed up to win raffle prizes just for reading books or listening to audiobooks! Above you’ll see the photo of the raffle prize for week 2. This week we are giving away a basket full of gardening supplies. Among the goodies are gardening tools and gloves, flower seeds, a book on gardening in small spaces, and a gift card for Morganville Flower Farm. The gift card does not expire so it can be used next year if you have already finished your planting for this year. Please note that the drawing will be held on Tuesday, July 5th since we are closed for the holiday on Monday, July 4th.
As part of our Novel Destinations Film Series, we will be showing Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon on Wednesday July 6th at 3 PM. This breathtaking film won four Oscars in 2001, including Best Foreign Language Film and Best Cinematography. Crouching Tiger was filmed in Mandarin and has English subtitles.
Also on July 6th at 7 PM Dick Handschuch and Sal Marino, co-authors of “The Beach Bum’s Guide to the BOARDWALKS of NEW JERSEY”, will be at the library to entertain us with history, statistics, and facts about the wonderful boardwalks in our state. I hope to see you there!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Novel Destinations
Summer is officially underway and so is the Summer Reading Club at the library! The theme for the adults this year is Novel Destinations, so in celebration of this year’s theme we are showing travel destination movies every Wednesday afternoon at 3 PM. The movies will be a combination of English speaking films and non-English, subtitled films. On June 29th we will be showing Roman Holiday starring Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck. This film was shot entirely in Rome and shows all the highlights of the city so you’ll leave the movie feeling like you’ve just returned from an adventurous vacation.
If you’ve never taken part in our Summer Reading Club, here’s how it works. First, you’ll need to sign up for the club with your library card at the circulation desk. Don’t have a library card? No problem. It only takes minutes to be issued a new card; you just need to bring proof of residency (driver’s license, utility bill, etc.) for Aberdeen or Matawan. When you sign up for the reading club you will be assigned a number and you’ll receive a colorful book bag to tote around your library books. Each time you return a book or audiobook you will be given a ticket for the weekly raffle. Write your assigned number on the ticket, drop it into the jar, and every Monday we will draw a ticket and the winner will receive a fun prize. Above is a picture of this week’s prize which will be drawn on June 27th. Traditionally we begin Summer Reading by giving away a camping chair and pail filled with beach books. There is also a travel mug and gift certificate to Shop and Shop so you can stock up on your way to the beach.
Enjoy your summer and check the blog each week to see the next raffle prize!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
How many of you own e-readers or are thinking of purchasing one? Or perhaps you enjoy having an e-book handy on your computer to read or an audiobook on your mp3 device to listen to during a long walk? Did you know you could download free audiobooks and e-books from ListenNJ using your Matawan Aberdeen library card? ListenNJ currently offers over 6000 audiobooks and 2000 e-books! There is something for everyone – adult fiction (including drama, horror, mysteries, science fiction) and non-fiction (including health & fitness, biographies, current events), as well as books for teens. You can checkout up to five books at one time and keep them for up to two weeks, just like regular library books.
Downloading audio and e-books is very easy once you get the hang of it. You simply need to install software found on the ListenNJ website onto your computer, OverDrive Media Console (for audiobooks) or Adobe Digital Editions (for e-books), choose your book, and then follow the steps through to the checkout. Be sure to choose “Libraries of Middlesex County Consortium” as your library since the Matawan Aberdeen Library is part of this consortium and is not listed separately. Our computer technician, Curtis, wrote a very helpful guide for using ListenNJ which can be found on the homepage of our website.
Last week Curtis hosted an e-reader workshop where he showed patrons how to download audiobooks and e-books onto their computers and then demonstrated transferring the books to the e-reader using the Barnes and Noble Nook color. E-books can also be transferred to the Apple iPad, Sony Reader, Border’s Kobo, or the newest Amazon Kindle, or simply left to read on your computer. I attended the workshop since this was new territory for me, too. After practicing with the Nook for a little while, I felt like a pro and wondered why I had waited so long to try ListenNJ. Try it for yourself!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Clubs, movies, and special events ... oh my!

Most people are aware the Matawan-Aberdeen Public Library offers story hours for children, but are you aware we also host a variety of clubs, movies, and special programs for our adult patrons that you are welcome to attend? Our various monthly clubs include a lively Mahjong club, a fun and informative genealogy club, and, of course, a very popular book club. In addition, we are beginning a new Pinochle club this June at the request of one of our patrons who is willing to teach others how to play. Every Monday afternoon, and occasionally on Sundays, we show an assortment of movies ranging from the classics to popular new releases. This summer, in honor of the NJ Summer Reading Program “Novel Destinations,” we will also be showing foreign films one afternoon a week. Look for these to begin in mid-June!
Are you currently working on your resume or searching for a job? On Thursday afternoons in May we are offering a series of webinars by that will help you answer tough interview question and polish your resume. If you can’t make it to the webinar, Lynne, one our own staff members who has years of experience helping people polish their resumes, will be conducting a program titled Writing an Effective Resume. Do you own a Kindle, Nook, or Sony Reader? Or are you thinking of purchasing one? Another staff member, Curtis, will demonstrate how to download ebooks from ListenNJ onto the e-readers during the E-Reader workshop. He will use a Nook for the class but he can answer questions about all the e-readers. Check out our Event Calendar for all the details.
One of my first tasks as the new Adult Services Librarian is to add to our current schedule of programming for adults. Over the summer we are beginning a new series called After Hours at the Library on Friday nights, offering different types of live music after the library closes. Stay tuned for information about our first concert in July! As I continue to develop new programs for the library, I’m reaching out to ask you what types of programs would you like to see us offer. Are you a history buff who would like to hear a lecture about a particular period in history? Do you want to brush up on your computer skills for work or learn how to join your friends on the social networking sites? Let me know! Also, if you have a talent or skill you would share with others, contact me at the library and we can discuss your ideas. I’d love to hear from you!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Hello from the new Adult Services Librarian!
Hello! My name is Jill and I am the new Adult Services Librarian at the Matawan-Aberdeen Library. I joined the MAPL team in March, but my history with the library goes back almost seven years when I initially moved to Aberdeen. One of the first things I did after moving here was to get a library card. I remember how welcoming and friendly the staff was to me on that day. When I began the Master's program in Library and Information Science at Rutgers in 2007, I used the Matawan-Aberdeen Library extensively to find books for both my Children's and Young Adult literature courses. Any books they did not have at the library they were able to locate for me using the inter-library loan (ILL) system. The staff was a tremendous assistance to me during that time!
Prior to and during my time in library school I worked as a scientist for one of the major pharmaceutical companies. While there were many benefits to that position, I missed having a job that made me feel like I was part of a community. This position at the library is a perfect fit for me because not only does it allow me to feel like a part of a community, it allows me to do it in my own town ... and the commute is awesome! In my first few weeks on the job I have met many of the library's patrons and I look forward to meeting many more in the coming months. Please feel free to stop by the reference desk to ask questions, make a suggestion for a program you'd like to see at the library, or just to say "hello."
Prior to and during my time in library school I worked as a scientist for one of the major pharmaceutical companies. While there were many benefits to that position, I missed having a job that made me feel like I was part of a community. This position at the library is a perfect fit for me because not only does it allow me to feel like a part of a community, it allows me to do it in my own town ... and the commute is awesome! In my first few weeks on the job I have met many of the library's patrons and I look forward to meeting many more in the coming months. Please feel free to stop by the reference desk to ask questions, make a suggestion for a program you'd like to see at the library, or just to say "hello."
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